Sunday, March 25, 2012

Old stone alleys in Wuzhen

Narrow flagstone alleys and ancient homes from the Qing Dynasty...
 ...China is often criticized for being dirty, but notice the alley in Wuzhen is spotless. Is goverment or the residents here work hard to keep their local environments free of dirt and litter?
If u follow my previous post about the old water town Wuzhen, now you realize why I write a single post just about alleys in Wuzhen. The alleys here are another eye-catching area . There are many alleys here, long and short, wide and narrow. Some are dark all the year round; some are simply the drain of two families; most of them were the main artery of the town in the old days. Among all the different alleys, the narrowest is about 80cm (about 31 inches) wide and provides space for only one person to pass through at a time.
Look at all those stone path ways, there are most have a few hundreds years history, although that is not that old compare to the long history in China, but it is still pretty impressive. And I am just curious how does this old town look like after 100 years later? 

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